
The popphp/pop-nav component provides an API for managing the creation of web-based navigation objects. It also supports an ACL object from the popphp/pop-acl component to enforce access rights within the navigation object.


Install it directly into your project:

composer require popphp/pop-nav

Or, include it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "popphp/pop-nav": "^3.3.1"

Basic Use

First, you can define the navigation tree:

$tree = [
        'name'     => 'First Nav Item',
        'href'     => '/first-page',
        'children' => [
                'name' => 'First Child',
                'href' => 'first-child'
                'name' => 'Second Child',
                'href' => 'second-child'
        'name' => 'Second Nav Item',
        'href' => '/second-page'

Then, you have a significant amount of control over the branch nodes and attributes via a configuration array:

$config = [
    'top' => [
        'node'  => 'nav',
        'id'    => 'main-nav'
    'parent' => [
        'node'  => 'nav',
        'id'    => 'nav',
        'class' => 'level'
    'child' => [
        'node'  => 'nav',
        'id'    => 'menu',
        'class' => 'item'
    'on'  => 'link-on',
    'off' => 'link-off',
    'indent' => '    '

You can then create and render your nav object:

use Pop\Nav\Nav;

$nav = new Nav($tree, $config);
echo $nav;
<nav id="main-nav">
    <nav id="menu-1" class="item-1">
        <a href="/first-page" class="link-off">First Nav Item</a>
        <nav id="nav-2" class="level-2">
            <nav id="menu-2" class="item-2">
                <a href="/first-page/first-child" class="link-off">First Child</a>
            <nav id="menu-3" class="item-2">
                <a href="/first-page/second-child" class="link-off">Second Child</a>
    <nav id="menu-4" class="item-1">
        <a href="/second-page" class="link-off">Second Nav Item</a>

Advanced Use

First, let’s set up the ACL object with some roles and resources:

use Pop\Acl\Acl;
use Pop\Acl\AclRole as Role;
use Pop\Acl\AclResource as Resource;

$acl = new Acl();

$admin  = new Role('admin');
$editor = new Role('editor');

$acl->addRoles([$admin, $editor]);

$acl->addResource(new Resource('second-child'));
$acl->deny('editor', 'second-child');

And then we add the ACL rules to the navigation tree:

$tree = [
        'name'     => 'First Nav Item',
        'href'     => '/first-page',
        'children' => [
                'name' => 'First Child',
                'href' => 'first-child'
                'name' => 'Second Child',
                'href' => 'second-child',
                'acl'  => [
                    'resource' => 'second-child'
        'name' => 'Second Nav Item',
        'href' => '/second-page'

We then inject the ACL object into the navigation object, set the current role and render the navigation:

$nav = new Nav($tree, $config);
echo $nav;
<nav id="main-nav">
    <nav id="menu-1" class="item-1">
        <a href="/first-page" class="link-off">First Nav Item</a>
        <nav id="nav-2" class="level-2">
            <nav id="menu-2" class="item-2">
                <a href="/first-page/first-child" class="link-off">First Child</a>
    <nav id="menu-3" class="item-1">
        <a href="/second-page" class="link-off">Second Nav Item</a>

Because the ‘editor’ role is denied access to the ‘second-child’ page, that nav branch is not rendered.