
The Pop\Router sub-component is part of the core popphp/popphp component. It serves as the primary router to the main application object. With it, you can define routes for both web-based and console-based applications.


Install it directly into your project:

composer require popphp/popphp

Or, include it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "popphp/popphp": "^3.3.0",

Basic Use

The router object facilitates the configuration and matching of the routes to access your application. It supports both HTTP and CLI routing. With it, you can establish valid routes along with any parameters that may be required with them.

HTTP Route Example

$router->addRoute('/hello', function() {
    echo 'Hello World';

In the above example, a web request of http://localhost/hello will execute the closure as the controller and echo Hello World out to the browser.

CLI Route Example

$router->addRoute('hello', function($name) {
    echo 'Hello World';

In the above example, a CLI command of ./app hello will execute the closure as the controller and echo Hello World out to the console.

A controller object can be, and usually is, an instance of a class instead of a closure for more control over what happens for each route:

class MyApp\Controller\IndexController extends \Pop\Controller\AbstractController
    public function index()
        echo 'Hello World!';

$router->addRoute('/', [
    'controller' => 'MyApp\Controller\IndexController',
    'action'     => 'index'

In the above example, the request / is routed to the index() method in the defined controller class.

Controller Parameters

It’s common to require access to various elements and values of your application while within an instance of your controller class. To provide this, the router object allows you to inject parameters into the controller upon instantiation. Let’s assume your controller’s constructor looks like this:

class MyApp\Controller\IndexController extends \Pop\Controller\AbstractController
    protected $foo;
    protected $bar;

    public function __construct($foo, $bar)
        $this->foo = $foo;
        $this->bar = $bar;

You could then inject parameters into the controller’s constructor like this:

    'MyApp\Controller\IndexController', [
        'foo' => $foo,
        'bar' => $bar

If you require parameters to be injected globally to all of your controller classes, then you can replace the controller name 'MyApp\Controller\IndexController with * and they will be injected into all controllers. You can also define controller parameters within the route configuration as well.

$config = [
    'routes' => [
        '/products' => [
            'controller'       => 'MyApp\Controller\ProductsController',
            'action'           => 'index',
            'controllerParams' => [
                'baz'    => 789

$app = new Pop\Application($config);

Dispatch Parameters

Defining route dispatch parameters, you can define required (or optional) parameters that are needed for a particular route:

$router->addRoute('/hello/:name', function($name) {
    echo 'Hello ' . ucfirst($name);
$router->addRoute('hello <name>', function($name) {
    echo 'Hello ' . ucfirst($name);

The HTTP request of http://localhost/hello/pop and the CLI command of ./app hello pop will each echo out Hello Pop to the browser and console, respectively.

Optional Dispatch Parameters

Consider the following controller class and method:

class MyApp\Controller\IndexController extends \Pop\Controller\AbstractController
    public function hello($name = null)
        if (null === $name) {
            echo 'Hello World!';
        } else {
            echo 'Hello ' . ucfirst($name);

Then add the following routes for HTTP and CLI:


$router->addRoute('/hello[/:name]', [
    'controller' => 'MyApp\Controller\IndexController',
    'action'     => 'hello'


$router->addRoute('hello [<name>]', [
    'controller' => 'MyApp\Controller\IndexController',
    'action'     => 'hello'

In the above example, the parameter $name is an optional dispatch parameter and the hello() method performs differently depending on whether or not the parameter value it present.

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing is also supported. You can define routes as outlined in the examples below and they will be dynamically mapped and routed to the correct controller and method. Let’s assume your application has the following controller class:

class MyApp\Controller\UsersController extends \Pop\Controller\AbstractController

    public function index()
        // Show a list of users

    public function edit($id = null)
        // Edit the user with the ID# of $id

You could define a dynamic route for HTTP like this:

$router->addRoute('/:controller/:action[/:param]', [
    'prefix' => 'MyApp\Controller\\'

and routes such as these would be valid:

  • http://localhost/users
  • http://localhost/users/edit/1001

For CLI, you can define a dynamic route like this:

$router->addRoute('<controller> <action> [<param>]', [
    'prefix' => 'MyApp\Controller\\'

and routes such as these would be valid:

  • ./app users
  • ./app users edit 1001

Routing Syntax

The tables below outline the accepted routing syntax for the route matching:


Web Route What’s Expected
/foo/:bar/:baz The 2 params are required
/foo/:bar[/:baz] First param required, last one is optional
/foo/:bar/:baz* One required param, one required param that is a collection (array)
/foo/:bar[/:baz*] One required param, one optional param that is a collection (array)


CLI Route What’s Expected
foo bar Two commands are required
foo bar|baz Two commands are required, the 2nd can accept 2 values
foo [bar|baz] The second command is optional and can accept 2 values
foo -o1 [-o2] First option required, 2nd option is optional
foo –option1|-o1 [–option2|-o2] 1st option required, 2nd optional; long & short supported for both
foo <name> [<email>] First param required, 2nd param optional
foo –name= [–email=] First value param required, 2nd value param optional