
The popphp/pop-loader component provides an alternative autoloading option for those who may require a PHP application to function outside of the Composer eco-system. The API mirrors Composer’s API so that the two autoloaders are interchangeable. Furthermore, the component provides a class mapper class that will parse a provided source folder and generate a static classmap for faster autoload times.



If you are installing this component as a stand-alone autoloader and not using composer, you can get the component from the releases page on Github. Once you download it and unpack it, you can put the source files into your application’s source directory.


If you want to install it via composer you can install it directly into your project:

composer require popphp/pop-loader

Or, include it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "popphp/pop-loader": "^3.0.4",

Basic Use

The popphp/pop-loader component manages the autoloading of an application. If, for some reason you do not or cannot use Composer, popphp/pop-loader provides an alternative with similar features and API. It supports both PSR-4 and PSR-0 autoloading standards. Additionally, there is support for generating and loading class maps, if you are interested in boosting the speed and performance of your application’s load times.


Let’s assume the this class file exists here app/src/Test.php:

namespace MyApp;

class Test


You can then register that namespace prefix and source location with the autoloaded object like this:

// Require the main ClassLoader class file
require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/ClassLoader.php';

$autoloader = new Pop\Loader\ClassLoader();
$autoloader->addPsr4('MyApp\\', __DIR__ . '/../app/src');

// The class is now available
$test = new MyApp\Test();


There’s also support for older the PSR-0 standard. If the class file existed here instead app/MyApp/Test.php, you could load it like so:

// Require the main ClassLoader class file
require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/ClassLoader.php';

$autoloader = new Pop\Loader\ClassLoader();
$autoloader->addPsr0('MyApp', __DIR__ . '/../app');

// The class is now available
$test = new MyApp_Test();



Let’s use the following classmap file, classmap.php, as an example:


return [
    'MyApp\Foo\Bar' => '/path/to/myapp/src/Foo/Bar.php',
    'MyApp\Thing' => '/path/to/myapp/src/Thing.php',
    'MyApp\Test' => '/path/to/myapp/src/Test.php'

To load the above classmap, you can do the following:

$autoloader = new Pop\Loader\ClassLoader();


If you’d like to generate a classmap based on your source folder, you can do that as well:

$mapper = new Pop\Loader\ClassMapper('path/to/myapp/src');

From there, you can then set your autoloader to load that classmap for your application.