
The popphp/pop-cache component is a caching component that provides different adapters to cache data and have it persist for a certain length of time.


Install it directly into your project:

composer require popphp/pop-cache

Or, include it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "popphp/pop-cache": "^3.2.3",

Basic Use

Each adapter object can be created and passed configuration parameters specific to that adapter:


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create an APC cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$apcCache = new Adapter\Apc(300);


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create a file cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$cacheAdapter = new Adapter\File('/path/to/my/cache/dir', 300);


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create a Memcache cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$cacheAdapter = new Adapter\Memcache(300);


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create a Memcached cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$cacheAdapter = new Adapter\Memcached(300);


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create a Redis cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$cacheAdapter = new Adapter\Redis(300);


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create a session cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$cacheAdapter = new Adapter\Session(300);


use Pop\Cache\Adapter;

// Create a database cache adapter object, with a 5 minute lifetime
$cacheAdapter = new Adapter\Sqlite('/path/to/my/.htcachedb.sqlite', 300);

You can then pass any of the above cache adapter objects into the main cache object to begin storing and recalling data.

use Pop\Cache\Cache;

$cache = new Cache($cacheAdapter);

// Save some data to the cache
$cache->saveItem('foo', $myData);

// Recall that data later in the app.
// Returns false is the data does not exist or has expired.
$foo = $cache->getItem('foo');

To remove data from cache, you call the deleteItem method:


And to clear all data from cache, you call the clear method:
