
The popphp/pop-kettle component a CLI-based help script called kettle. It allows a user to quickly build the scaffolding for an application and manage database functions from the command line. It is available as of version 4.0.1 of the Pop PHP Framework.


Install it directly into your project:

composer require popphp/pop-kettle

Or, include it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "popphp/pop-kettle": "^1.0.0",

Basic Use

The kettle script comes with a built-in set of commands to assist you in building and managing a PHP application built using the Pop PHP Framework. By running the command:

$ ./kettle help

You can see a list of the available commands.

Pop Kettle

./kettle app:init [--web] [--api] [--cli] <namespace>    Initialize an application

./kettle db:config                             Configure the database
./kettle db:test                               Test the database connection
./kettle db:seed                               Seed the database with data
./kettle db:reset                              Reset the database with original seed data
./kettle db:clear                              Clear the database of all data

./kettle migrate:create <class>                Create new database migration
./kettle migrate:run [<steps>]                 Perform forward database migration
./kettle migrate:rollback [<steps>]            Perform backward database migration
./kettle migrate:reset                         Perform complete rollback of the database

./kettle serve [--host=] [--port=] [--folder=] Start the web server
./kettle version                               Show the version
./kettle help                                  Show the help screen

Application Scaffolding

By running the following command, you can set up the basic files and folders required to run an application:

$ ./kettle app:init [--web] [--api] [--cli] <namespace>

The <namespace> parameter is the namespace of your application, for example MyApp. The optional parameters of --web, --api, and --cli will create the related files and folders to run the application as a normal web application, an API-driven web application, a CLI-driven console application or any combination thereof.

After the application files and folders are copied over, you will be asked if you would like to configure a database. Follow those steps to configure a database and create the database configuration file.

Database Management

Once the application is initialized, you can manage the database by using the database and migration commands.

./kettle db:clear                   Clear the database of all data
./kettle db:config                  Configure the database
./kettle db:reset                   Reset the database with original seed data
./kettle db:seed                    Seed the database with data
./kettle db:test                    Test the database connection

./kettle migrate:create <class>     Create new database migration
./kettle migrate:reset              Perform complete rollback of the database
./kettle migrate:rollback [<steps>] Perform backward database migration
./kettle migrate:run [<steps>]      Perform forward database migration

You can create the initial database migration that would create the tables by running the command:

$ ./kettle migrate:create <class>

Where the <class> is the base class name of the migration class that will be created. From there, you can populate the initial migration class with the initial schema:


use Pop\Db\Sql\Migration\AbstractMigration;

class MyNewMigration extends AbstractMigration

    public function up()
        $schema = $this->db->createSchema();
            ->int('id', 16)->increment()
            ->varchar('username', 255)
            ->varchar('password', 255)


    public function down()
        $schema = $this->db->createSchema();


Then by running the command:

$ ./kettle migrate:run

it will run the initial migration and create the users table, which can then been seeded, as shown below. You can write your own seed files under the /database/seeds folder. An example be:


use Pop\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter;
use Pop\Db\Sql\Seeder\AbstractSeeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends AbstractSeeder

    public function run(AbstractAdapter $db)
        $sql = $db->createSql();

            'username' => 'testuser',
            'password' => '12test34',
            'email'    => 'test@test.com'



Then running the command:

$ ./kettle db:seed

will execute any seed files in the seeds folder and populate the database with the initial data.

Seeding with SQL files

Alternatively, you can place SQL files with the extension .sql in the /database/seeds folder and they will be executed when you run the ./kettle db:seed command.

The Web Server

A simple simple way to run PHP’s built-in web-server is also provided by running the command:

$ ./kettle serve [--host=] [--port=] [--folder=]

This is for development environments only and it is strongly advised against using the built-in web server in a production environment in any way.