
The popphp/pop-dir component provides an API to easily manage traversal of directories.


Install it directly into your project:

composer require popphp/pop-dir

Or, include it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "popphp/pop-dir": "^3.0.2",

Basic Use

The directory object provides the ability to perform directory traversals, recursively or non, while setting configuration parameters to tailor the results to how you would like them.

Simple flat directory traversal

use Pop\Dir\Dir;

$dir = new Dir('my-dir');

foreach ($dir as $file) {
    echo $file;

The above example will just echo out the base name of each file and directory in the first level of the directory:


If you want to have only files in your results, then you can set the filesOnly option:

use Pop\Dir\Dir;

$dir = new Dir('my-dir', ['filesOnly' => true]);

Recursive traveral

In the following example, we’ll set it to traverse the directory recursively, get only the files and store the absolute path of the files:

use Pop\Dir\Dir;

$dir = new Dir('my-dir', [
    'recursive' => true,
    'filesOnly' => true,
    'absolute'  => true

foreach ($dir->getFiles() as $file) {
    echo $file;

The result would look like:


If you wanted the relative paths instead, you could set the relative option:

use Pop\Dir\Dir;

$dir = new Dir('my-dir', [
    'recursive' => true,
    'filesOnly' => true,
    'relative'  => true

foreach ($dir->getFiles() as $file) {
    echo $file;

In which the result would look like:


Emptying a directory

You can empty a directory as well:

use Pop\Dir\Dir;

$dir = new Dir('my-dir');

The true flag sets it to delete the actual directory as well.